Friday, June 29, 2012

Live as Saints should live

Choice 1, Romans 12-16. Live as Saints should live.

In Romans 13:11 Paul states that our salvation is nearer. There are things that we need to continue doing to work on our salvation. In Ezekiel 3:20 we learn that we must warn others and not turn from our righteousness. D&C 14:7 teaches us that must keep the commandments and endure to the end.

In Romans 12-13 Paul teaches the things that we need to do that will lead us to salvation.
  • Romans 12:1, Self sacrifice. We must deny ourselves of all ungodliness and render all that we have and are to God.
  • Romans 12:12, Self mastery. We must not be conformed to the world or worldly things. Put off the natural man.
  • Romans 12:9. We must love sincerely (charity), abhor evil, and cleave to good.
  • Romans 12:13. We must take care of others (service) and be kind.
  • Romans 12:16. We must not be prideful. We need to be meek and humble, and not lift ourselves above another.
  • Romans 12:21. Paul counsels us to not be overcome with evil, but to overcome evil with good.
  • Romans 13:1. We must be submissive and obedient to God.
  • Romans 13:3. We mus do good.
  • Romans 13:8. We must owe no man anything, and love one another.
  • Romans 13:9. Thou shalt not steal, bear false witness, or covet. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

In Romans 14:1-13 and Romans 15:1-3, Paul gives us some counsel in regards to judging others. He cautions that we should not judge others. We are all on different levels, and none of us are perfect. Only God can judge. Judging others can be a stumbling block to others.

People may have different opinions and practices and we may not always see eye to eye, but it is important to remember that Christ is the judge. We should all strive to edify one another. Christ suffered and died for us, it is through his atoning sacrifice that we can be forgiven. He is the only one that can judge us and we will stand before Him and God and give an account of ourselves. It is important for us to focus on ourselves and not waste time judging others. We can gain additional insight into this principle in D&C 38:25. We learn that we must treat everyone fairly. God loves all of his children the same and he will judge fairly. When we judge others, we may not know all the circumstances that surround their ideas and choices, which leads us to judge unfairly. God wants us to be united and not caught up in disputations that may arise from judging unfairly.

Paul refers to the members of the church in his day as Saints. I found this interesting as we are referred to Saints in our day as well. His counsel was just as relevant for the members of the church in their day as it is to us in our day.

I completed this assignment by reading the required verses, cross referencing scriptures to gain additional insight, and pondering my response to the questions.

I chose this assignment, because I felt that it would be a great resource for me to create a list of things that I need to work on for my own salvation.

The best thing about my assignment was the insight I gained into what things we should be doing for our own salvation. I really enjoyed making this list and pondering on these things.

I struggled a little bit with understanding all of Pauls words regarding judging of others. I did my best to understand, and if I had had more time, I could have spent more time pondering each verse. to gain a deeper understanding of Pauls counsel.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation

Choice 1: Romans 1. The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation,

Jesus Christ is the Son of David in the flesh through his lineage. He is the son of God in flesh and in spirit. Because of his royal lineage through David, he could reign on earth, but through his royal lineage, being the only begotten of the Father, he is the heir to all that the Father has. He has the authority to reign in heaven and on earth through that lineage. He has the authority to act in God’s name and to do his will.

It was essential for the Savior to be mortal in that he needed to gain a body and have to ability to die. He needed a mortal body to atone for our sins and to lay down his life for us. However, he needed to be immortal to have the power to lay down his life and take it up again. Being immortal would allow him to fulfill God’s plan.

In Roman’s 1:15-20 Paul gives us some insight into his feelings about the gospel. In verse 16, Paul states that he is not ashamed of the gospel. He was not afraid to share the gospel with others. Not only was he not afraid, but he had a great desire to share the gospel with others. He had a testimony that the gospel was the power of God unto salvation. In verse 18 he testifies that the gospel is truth.

I can show that I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ through my obedience to the commandments. It isn’t always popular by the world’s standards to live in accordance with the gospel, and another way that I can show that I am not ashamed, is by standing up for what I believe. I can share the gospel with others, use my right to vote to vote for things that are in accordance with my morals and principles, I can serve faithfully in my calling and I can keep myself unspotted from the world.

In Romans 1:21-32, Paul lists some of the sins of the people

• Knew God, but did not glorify Him
• Ingratitude
• Vain (corrupt in reasoning)
• Hearts were darkened
• Professing themselves to be wise (Pride)
• Worshipping idols
• Unclean through the lusts of their hearts
• Changed truth of God to a lie
• Worshipped and served the creature more than the creator
• Homosexuality
• Did not like to retain God in their knowledge
• Filled with unrighteousness
• Fornication
• Wickedness
• Covetousness
• Maliciousness
• Full of envy
• Murder
• Debate (strife/discord)
• Deceit
• Malignity
• Whispers
• Back biters
• Haters of God
• Despiteful
• Proud
• Boasters
• Inventors of evil things
• Disobedient to parents
• Covenant breakers
• Without natural affections
• Implacable
• Unmerciful
• Knew the judgments of God, but transgressed anyway, or sympathized with others who did

My assignment was then to put a checkmark next to the sins that are still a problem today and I marked every one. The problems that Paul saw in his day are still happening today. Paul gives some reasons why people commit these sins
• They knew God, but would not glorify him as God (vs. 21)
• Follow the lusts of their hearts (vs. 24)
• They don’t retain God in their knowledge (vs. 28)
• They pull away from God through sin. They withdraw from the spirit so that it cannot work in them for good. (vs. 24,28)

In Romans 1:25, Paul states that the people “worshipped and served the creature more than the creator”. In Romans 8:19 the footnote gives some additional insight into what is meant by the creature, it says creation or material universe, so I believe that this means that they worshipped the things of the world more than God who created all things. I believe that they failed to recognize God’s hand in their lives and failed to glorify Him.

To complete this assignment, I read and pondered the required reading, I also discussed some of the principles with my husband.

I chose this assignment, because I believe that when we study the scriptures about Jesus Christ, it helps our testimonies to grow. I knew this would be a good opportunity to study the Savior and his gospel.

I really like the list of sins that Paul mentioned were evident in his day and realizing that those are still continuing. It helps me to see what areas I can improve in. This assignment could have been improved by studying other prophets who were not ashamed of the gospel and how they manifested that.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


In 2 Cor 2:1-11 the Corinthians were commanded to forgive those that have caused grief. They were also commanded to comfort them and confirm their love toward them. I love Paul's counsel to comfort and love those who have wronged you. This can be extremely hard to do, but great blessings come to ourselves and those who have wronged when we forgive, comfort and show love. I think this is especially true in families where offenses often take place. Forgiveness and love can bring unity back to the family.

Forgiveness brings blessings. We learn in D&C 64:10 that the Lord will forgive who he will, but of us it is required to forgive all men. Our Heavenly Father has told us that if we will forgive others, then he will forgive us of our trespasses.

If we choose not to forgive, we are denying ourselves forgiveness from God (Matt 64:14-15). We will stand condemned before God and there remaineth in us the greater sin. (D&C 64:9-10). Paul taught the Corinthians that there was danger in failing to forgive. He taught that Satan could get the advantage over us.

I've been thinking about this assignment, and I wanted to add a few connections that I've made as I have pondered these verses in the scriptures. I had the opportunity to attend my brother's wedding in the Salt Lake Temple yesterday. His temple sealer taught that God does not command us to do anything that isn't for our good or to strengthen us. Forgiveness isn't always for the person who wronged us. When we forgive and let go of hurt, we free ourselves from feelings of anger, hurt and revenge, and as Paul taught, forgiveness provides protection from the adversary. It keeps him from getting advantage over us. This commandment is meant to bless us regardless of whether the offender has apologized or not. We do not need to hold onto to hurt or pain. The Lord will help us to forgive those who have wronged us.

To complete this assignment, I studied the required verses and made a list of the blessings and dangers that are associated with forgiveness.

I chose this assignment because forgiveness is a principle that everyone has to gain a testimony of. It can be really difficult to forgive those who have wronged us, but I think that it is important to be reminded that forgiveness is a commandment and if we want the Lord to forgive us, then we need to forgive others.

The best part about my assignment was making the connection that God's commandments are meant to strengthen us. While sometimes it may seem unfair to forgive an offender who has not repented, we can be assured that if we will keep the commandment to forgive, God will bless us and our lives will be enriched.

My assignment could have been improved by studying accounts of forgiveness in the scriptures. A few that come to mind are Nephi, Stephen, Jesus Christ. I also think that studying the connection that charity has to forgiveness could improve this assignment. It takes charity to forgive.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Gifts of the spirit

Choice 7: 1 Cor. 12-14, Gifts of the Spirit.

In 1 Cor 12: 13-22 We learn that no matter what our calling in the church, we are doing important work. Each person labors in their calling whatever it may be, but we are all united in a common purpose to edify each other and build up the kingdom of God on the earth. There is not one calling or person who can do all the work alone. Our callings no matter how insignificant are important to the whole.

The apostle Paul speaks of spiritual gifts in chapters 13 and 14 of 1 Cor. We learn from Paul that charity is the "more excellent" spiritual gift. If we have charity, it helps us better use the gifts of the spirit. (1 Cor 13:1-3).

Charity is:
  • long suffering
  • kind
  • rejoicing in truth
  • beareth all things (keeps out resentment)
  • believeth all things
  • hopeth all things
  • endureth all things
  • never failing (love is not easily removed from its place)

Charity is not:

  • envy
  • bragging (vaunteth not itself)
  • puffed up
  • unseemly behavior
  • selfish (seeketh not her own)
  • easily provoked (irritable, exasperated, anger)
  • thinking evil
  • rejoicing in iniquity

In order for us to become like the Savior, we need to develop charity. To develop charity, we need to develop the attributes of it. I would like to increase my ability to not be easily provoked. It is so easy sometimes to be irritated with people for various reasons. At times it is my children or family and at other times it could be the slow checker at the grocery store or the guy who won't drive the speed limit. We know that we should be slow to anger or slow to be irritated, but it is not always easy to do. In Moroni 7:45-48 we learn that to develop charity we need to pray with all energy of heart to be filled with the love of Christ. My plan to improve in this area is to seek help from my Heavenly Father in my daily prayers, and then try to replace feelings of irritability or anger with love. Give people the benefit of the doubt and seek to be more Christ like.

Paul also taught about the Gift of Tongues in 1 Cor. 14. The gift of Tongues is for the benefit of the servants of God to preach to the unbelievers (vs. 22). Joseph Smith taught that we should not speak in the gift of tongues without and interpreter or understanding it. He also taught that things that are taught by tongues are not to be received for doctrine. The devil can speak in tongues, so this gift should not be applied to that which God does not intend. God is the author of peace, not confusion (vs. 33).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Resurrection of the Savior

Choice 2: Acts 1. Special witnesses of the Resurrected Savior

After his resurrection, Christ appeared to many people and groups of people.

John 20:14-18
The Savior appeared to Mary Magdalene. As Mary sat weeping at the empty tomb, Christ appeared to her and asked her why she was weeping. At first, she did not recognize him, but as he called her by name, Mary's eyes were opened and she knew that he was Jesus Christ.

Luke 24:13-31
Cleopas and another man were walking to Emmaus. As they were walking and discussing what had happened, Christ appeared to them. Their eyes were holden and they did not recognize him. He asked them what they were speaking about and why they were sad just as he had done to Mary. After Christ spoke with them awhile, their eyes were opened and they knew him (vs31).

3 Nephi 11:8-16
The Nephites saw a man descending out of heaven. The Savior tells them that he is Jesus Christ. He testified to them that he is the light of the world and that he glorified the father by taking upon him the sins of the world. The multitude was allowed to thrust their hands in his side and feel the prints in his hands and feet.

The way that Christ appeared to these groups and individuals is different, but the similarities are that they may not have recognized him at first, but they all gained a witness that he was Jesus Christ and that he had risen. They then bore witness and told others that they had seen the Savior

Who was the author of Acts and why was it written?
It is believed that Luke is the author of Acts. That it is the 2nd of two parts written to Theophilus the book of Luke being the first. It was written as a record of what Jesus began to do and preach(Acts 1:1) It was a record of the things that had been fulfilled (Luke 1:1) Luke wrote them as an eyewitness and a messenger of Jesus Christ (Luke 1:2)

Why do you think the doctrine of the resurrection is so central to the preaching of these witnesses of Christ?
The resurrection was so central to the preachings of the apostles and disciples of Christ, because Paul states in 1 Cor 15:13-14 that if there was no resurrection, then Christ is not risen. If Christ is not risen then their preaching and faith is in vain. The plan of salvation which is central to the gospel depends upon Christ atoning for our sins and providing a way for us to be resurrected and exalted. It is the very basis of the gospel. To be converted to the gospel, we need to accept Christ as our Savior.

In completing this assignment, I studied Acts 1:1 and Luke 1:1-3, as well as the TG entry for Jesus Christ appearances post mortal. I studied the chapters listed above and created found similarities in the appearance of Christ to those people and groups of people

I chose this assignment, because I wanted to spend some time pondering the resurrection. As we study the resurrection and the Savior, our testimonies will be strengthened.

The best thing about this assignment was finding the similarities between Christs appearance to people after his resurrection. At some point their eyes were opened and they knew who he was. We can have the same blessing if we seek him.

I could have improved this assignment by taking some extra time to learn about Luke and perhaps gaining more insight into why he wrote the book of Acts

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Counsel for missionaries

Paul was a great missionary. This weeks assignment was for me to read various scriptures in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians and look for Pauls actions that complimented his teachings.
  1. Thanked God for those that he served.
  2. Prayed for them.
  3. Recognized and gave thanks for the good things that those he taught had done.
  4. He was a good example.
  5. He was humble and recognized that the Holy Ghost was the true teacher and the source of testimony.
  6. He was bold to speak the gospel.
  7. He spoke not to please man, but to please God.
  8. He was sincere.
  9. He didn't use flattering words
  10. He was not covetous.
  11. He did not seek the glory of men.
  12. He was gentle.
  13. He was willing to give of himself for others.
  14. He loved those he taught.
  15. He worked and laboured so as not to be a burden to anyone.
  16. He behaved well and justly.
  17. He cared for and comforted others.

Missionaries in our day can learn a lot from Paul. I believe that even if we are not called as full time missionaries, we can still be missionaries and benefit from Paul's example. Missionaries can first and foremost pray for those they teach. They can humble themselves and pray for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It is important for missionaries to remember that the Holy Ghost is the true teacher and the source of testimony. Missionaries can pray to love those that they serve. It also important for missionaries to remember that they are representatives of Jesus Christ and their behavior should reflect that. People are often times more influenced by actions than by words. Missionaries can also pray for strength to speak the gospel with boldness; to speak to please God and not man. Missionaries need to work hard, look for opportunities to serve and strive to love and care for those that they teach.

As a mother of four boys, I can take what I've learned from these scriptures and apply them in my life to help me be a better mom and to teach my boys while they are young. I plan to share what I've learned in a Family Home Evening lesson to encourage and help my boys develop some of these traits that will help them to be better missionaries someday. One action that I can work on as a parent is to recognize the good things that my children do and praise them for those good things. Sometimes as parents, we focus more on the things that need correcting. Recognizing the good in others is a great motivator for them to continue to do good. As member missionaries, these same characteristics can also help us to bring others to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Acts 6 & 7

Just prior to Stephen's death, he testified that he could see Jesus Christ on the right hand of God. His final words were a plea for God to receive his spirit and then he offered forgiveness to those who were taking his life by crying "Lord, lay not this sin at their charge." (Acts 7:60)

I am impressed by Stephens faith and testimony. To not deny what he knew to be true in the face of evil. I can't imagine being in a situation where you must give your life for your beliefs. Stephen had such great faith and near the end he pleads for God to receive him. He knew that there was something better waiting for him. The ultimate sign of Stephen's testimony and conversion to the Lord was his pleading for those who were taking his life. I was most impressed by his ability to not only forgive, but to ask God to not blame those who were in the act of taking his life. We are taught that we must forgive others and pray for our enemies. Stephen is an amazing example to me of one who was faithful to this principle.

From these verses, we learn that the Godhead is three distinct beings. We read that by the power of the Holy Ghost Stephen saw the heavens open and he saw Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of God. They are united in their mission. They were all three present at the time of Stephen's death.

In Mosiah 17:7-20 we read about Abinadai. Abinadai was also martyred for his beliefs. Their deaths were similar in a lot of ways. Both had preached the word of god with boldness. Those who heard their words were angry with them and sought to take their lives. Neither would deny his testimony to save his life. Their testimonies were rejected by wicked men. Both men bore testimony up until their last dying breath and sealed their testimonies by their deaths. Both men asked God to receive their spirit.

As I read their final testimonies, I feel a great desire and duty to learn from their words. I have been thinking a lot about Elder Halstroms talk from conference about being active vs. converted. When I think about these two men, I know that they were truly converted to the Lord. They gave up their lives for what they knew to be true. Most of us will not be asked to give up our lives for the gospel, but we need to be converted and be willing to share our testimonies with others even when it may not be popular by the world's standards.