Friday, July 6, 2012

Paul's affection for Timothy

Paul's counsel to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:1-7 shows the great love and concern that Paul had for Timothy. It is almost that of a father's love for his son. His counsel to Timothy is very similar to the counsel that Mormon gave to his son Moroni in Moroni 8:3; 9:6, 22, 25.

Paul's counsel to Timothy:

  • First, he refers to Timothy as his son
  • He prays for him without ceasing (night and day)
  • Filled with joy because of Timothy's faithfulness
  • Encourages him to continue serving in his calling
  • Admonishes that fear is not of God, but power and love are.

Mormon's counsel to Moroni

  • Prays continually for Moroni
  • Prays that Moroni may continue on in faith through the grace of God.
  • Encourages Moroni to labor diligently
  • Counsels Moroni to not be weighed down, but be lifted up with a remembrance of Christ, his sufferings, death and resurrection that Moroni may have hope of eternal life.

Both men expressed a great love, Paul to Timothy and Mormon to Moroni. Paul thought of Timothy like a son and Moroni was actually Mormon's son. They both prayed for them, encouraged them to labor and serve in their calling and both taught that they should not fear or be weighed down, but put their trust in God and exercise faith in Christ.

In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul notes Timothy's grandmother's and mother's faith. I think Paul makes mention of these two women, because perhaps they were very influential in Timothy's life and in teaching him the gospel. This reminded me of the 2,000 stripling warriors, who had such faith, because they were taught by their mother's and they did not doubt their mother's knew it (Alma 56:48).

Paul gave the assurance that the spirit of fear is not of God, but what comes from God is power through the Holy Ghost and a spirit of love. When I think of what was going on in the lives of these men at the time that Paul wrote this, I can see why it was important for Paul to give this counsel to Timothy. The saints were being persecuted and it was a troublesome time for the church as a great apostasy was beginning. But I think that Paul's counsel is very relevant for us today, because as the prophets of our day say, we live in "perilous times" as well. But we should not live with a spirit of fear either. We need to put our faith in God and continue to serve him and have a hope in Christ that if we remain faithful to the end, we can have eternal life.

In 2 Timothy 1:15-18 Paul speaks of the house of Onesiphorus and he blesses it with the Lord's mercy. He did this because of the hospitality and kindness that he showed to Paul. When Paul was in Rome, Onesiphorus sought him out and was not ashamed of Paul. I think that this is significant, because Paul was not a popular person in Rome at that time and it may not have been a good thing for Onesiphorus to be associated with him. Paul blessed him that he would find mercy from the Lord.

In Matthew 25:35-40, we learn that when we serve and care for others, we are in the service of our God. Just as Paul blessed Onesiphorus, we can receive similar blessings when we serve and care for others. When we serve our families, our neighbors, and in our church callings, we are serving God and he will bless us also.

In 2 Timothy 1:16 Paul states that Onesiphorus was not ashamed of his chain. Matt 11:29 and Jacob 1:8 can help us to understand what Paul meant by that. I believe that it means that we should endure all things for Christ's sake. That we should be true disciples of Christ following his example and being willing to stand as a witness of him at all times even though we may be persecuted for it. I think that when he says that Onesiphorous was not ashamed of his chain, it means that he stood by Paul even though Paul was suffering afflictions because of his preaching and belief in Christ. Onesiphorous was not ashamed to support him.

I read and pondered the required verses and cross referenced scriptures to help me understand Paul's counsel to Timothy.

I chose this assignment, because I was really touched by Paul's love for Timothy and the desire that he had to help him in his calling.

My favorite thing about this assignment was the counsel that the spirit of fear is not of God. As our world becomes more and more wicked, it is easy to become fearful, but we are reminded that we should not fear, but put our faith in God and press forward with a hope that we can have his spirit with us and if we remain faithful to the end, we can gain eternal life.

My assignment could have been improved by cross referencing other scriptures regarding fear to learn how we can eliminate that from our lives by putting our trust in God.

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